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Can Playgrounds Help Build Self-Confidence in Children?

by Melissa Bell
3 minutes read

Self-confidence helps children embrace themselves, cope with failure and make logical decisions. Self-esteem often serves a motivational function, helping children explore their full potential and strive towards fulfilling personal goals, according to an article by MentalHelp. Further, it helps them to be their best self at school, with friends and at home. The ideal way to nurture confidence is to offer opportunities to practice social and emotional skills. Cultivating imaginative skills also helps.

These qualities can successfully be nurtured in a playground. Play is often considered silly, extracurricular and optional. However, it plays a key role in giving a mental boost and shaping personalities. Take a look at how designing the right playground can help raise confident and smart individuals of the future.


Stimulates Socialization

Custom playgrounds with multiple equipment let kids set goals, overcome challenges, play as team and learn how to treat others with patience. These are perfect ways to ensure a well-rounded personality. In fact, times spent with others can boost the child’s confidence or at least keep it from sinking lower. This is because the child feels they are a part of something bigger. It wards off loneliness and helps them share and accept ideas. It can protect them against self-defeating beliefs, stress and social anxiety too.

Physical Confidence

Kids who are confident in their bodies are willing to try new things, comfortable with different kinds of sports, mentally tough and aware of their limitations, according to an article by Verywell Family. All of these can be achieved through free-play. In fact, small wins at the playground help children become proud of their achievements, which builds confidence. Outdoor play is a great way to ensure fitness and weight management, while teaching children about inclusivity and how to deal with bullying or discrimination, which ultimately improves self-worth.

Emotional Release

A playground lets a child experience different emotion. These include self-control, pride of accomplishments, affection and empathy, positive self-image, expressing freely verbally and asking for help whenever required. These are great ways to help a child be bold and confident. They are less likely to shy away in the future. In fact, children might also be able to release stress, frustration and traumatic feelings. This can avoid pent up emotions and help a child be confident in their skin.

Cognitive Development

Cognition is accelerated through play. In fact, cognitive fitness embraces thinking, learning, communication and sound decision-making, which is the bedrock of a self-sufficient life, according to an article on Harvard Health Publishing. Proper functioning of the brain creates an ideal environment to boost self-confidence. The child can practice problem-solving and strategic planning, which helps them have faith in themselves.

Further, a playground ensures enhanced critical thinking and leadership skills, lowers anxiety, helps with sleep and induces social acceptance. These are a few of the best possible ways to increase the confidence levels of younger children. As a playground authority, make sure to create a space that offers inclusive opportunities. This can also go a long way to help all types of children transform into confident individuals.

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