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A Quick Guide to Lip Injections

by Melissa Bell
5 minutes read

Are your lips plump enough?

Many women are insecure about the look of their lips, wishing they were fuller, smoother or more voluminous. Since people are generally not fond of surgical procedures (lip augmentation included), dermal fillers have become a popular alternative.

These treatments are almost non-invasive, quick to perform, and guarantee a natural look. Women can choose between temporary and permanent fillers, containing different substances, like hyaluronic acid and collagen. In order for the procedure to be completed successfully, patients are required to follow certain pre-procedure and aftercare guidelines.

The following guide explains the types of lip injections and the entire procedure.

Types of injections

Unlike implants, lip filling is done with injections, which are quick to administer and more convenient than surgical procedures, causing minimal discomfort. There are multiple filler alternatives, most of which provide temporary results, whereas some are considered permanent.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are the most common form of temporary augmentation whose effects last for as many as six months. These are known to provide a natural, smooth, and voluminous appearance, which requires about four days to be noticed. Opting for this alternative is especially favorable in the case of individuals with poor lip definition and structure.

Moreover, HA fillers are generally preferred because of their safe nature and relatively small side effects. The majority of formulas contain lidocaine whose anesthetic properties require no use of a local anesthetic. More importantly, by massaging the injected area immediately after the treatment, the results can be easily erased. Therefore, you won’t have to worry if the outcome doesn’t meet your expectations.

Collagen fillers involve fat extraction from a particular body area, which is later injected into the lips. Nevertheless, the administration of fat-replacement injections cannot be performed by attending a single appointment – it takes a few treatments. While collagen fillers aren’t as popular as those containing hyaluronic acid, the results last significantly longer.

When looking for permanent results, permanent silicone fillers are a popular, if somewhat controversial, lip enhancement procedure. In order for the silicone to be inserted into the lip, the doctor is supposed to make two tiny incisions. These procedures are known for their cost-effectiveness, as patients are only required to pay for a single treatment. However, being a permanent treatment, you might require further adjustments in the future.

How to prepare for the treatment?

Prior to getting such injections, patients are expected to follow certain instructions. Reputable cosmetic clinics, like Direct CST, need to provide patients with useful pre-procedure guidelines. In order to reduce the risk of bruising, you aren’t supposed to take any blood thinners, steroids, ibuprofen, or aspirin a week before and after the procedure. Additionally, you’ll need to refrain from ingesting certain supplements whose role is similar to that of blood thinners, such as vitamin E, garlic, cranberry juice, and fish oil.

Another way to prevent the blood-thinning process is to refrain from consuming alcohol, at least 24 hours prior to getting your lips injected. Otherwise, the likelihood of having bruises around the lips is higher. Instead of drinking alcohol, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, tea, and fruit juices.

Furthermore, arnica pills are recommended to be taken two days before the augmentation. This herb is well-known for its pain-relieving properties, hence being efficient in the reduction of swelling and bruising. Besides pills, arnica can be also applied in the form of topical on the lips at least one hour prior to being injected.

Ice is also considered helpful in minimizing bruising, which is why patients are advised to apply some on their lips shortly before the treatment. Make sure you request an ice pack from the doctor and press it against them for several minutes. The effect of ice is believed to be helpful for the relaxation of the muscles around the lips as long, as it’s not directly applied.

Aftercare tips

Pre-treatment instructions aren’t the only ones to follow when getting such injections. Proper home care is vital in order for patients to recover as soon as possible. Ice is supposed to be applied three times daily after the treatment to eliminate swelling and itching. You are suggested to either use an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a rag. The sensitivity of your lips will be further enhanced if you put the cubes directly onto them.

Another crucial aftercare tip is avoiding any kind of physical exercise for up to 48 hours after receiving the injections. During the first day following the treatment, dermal fillers extract water from your body tissues, which is accelerated by exercising. Since strenuous exercise is known to elevate blood pressure and increase heart rate, it escalates the risk of bruising.

In case you are a fitness addict, replace your arduous workouts with going for short walks. It’s paramount not to allow your heart rate to increase or sweat to come in contact with the spots where you got injected.

In order to prevent the filler from becoming misshaped, the lips are supposed to be relaxed in the course of the first few days. It means you need to forgo smoking, whistling, using straws and kissing. You should also steer clear of applying lipsticks and relaxing in a sauna or a steam room. Given heat boosts blood flow, the swelling can get worse.

Another thing patients are recommended to do for decreasing blood flow is placing their head on a few pillows when sleeping. Additionally, long-distance plane trips aren’t the best idea during the first two weeks due to the negative effect flying has on swelling. Even if you had a trip planned, make sure you cancel it or postpone the procedure.

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