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What is the Human Microbiome & How to Maintain It for Optimal Health

by Melissa Bell
7 minutes read

The microbiome impacts nearly every system of the body and is essential for human health. Although the human microbiome has recently become a popular topic, finding precise information about what it is and why it is important can still be challenging.

In this blog post, we’ll tackle the essentials of microbiome health, providing reliable tips and practical strategies you can implement into your routine today.


What Is The Microbiome?

A human microbiome represents the intricate world of microbes, their functions, interactions, and metabolites thriving within a specific habitat. Essentially, it is the entire microbial ecosystem in a designated location or niche. When we talk about “your microbiome,” we’re delving into the comprehensive microbial ecosystem throughout your body.

To get more specific, we can pinpoint a microbiome in a particular body part, like the “skin microbiome,” addressing the microbial ecosystem on your skin’s surface. When honing in on the microbial cells within a microbiome’s ecosystem, we often refer to them as the ‘microbiota’ or the ‘microbial flora.’ This terminology helps us navigate the fascinating realm of microbes that are crucial to our overall well-being.

Why a Balanced Microbiome Is Important for Your Health

Ensuring a vibrant and thriving microbiome is absolutely essential for overall health and vitality. Picture it as a bustling ecosystem within, working tirelessly to support digestion, absorb vital nutrients, and even produce crucial vitamins. Beyond its digestive prowess, the microbiome stands as a steadfast defender, fortifying our immune system against potential threats and enhancing our resilience to infections.

What’s truly fascinating is its impact extends beyond physical health, reaching into mental well-being, influencing mood, and contributing to cognitive functions. Nurturing a diverse and balanced microbiome isn’t just a choice. It’s a fundamental investment in our overall wellness. So, by embracing practices like a diverse, plant-rich diet, engaging in regular exercise, and managing stress, we’re essentially fostering a flourishing partnership with these microscopic allies within us.

Common Causes of an Unhealthy Microbiome

Various factors can disrupt the delicate balance of your microbiome. That’s why understanding these factors is crucial for promoting a healthy microbiome and overall lifestyle. Here are a few bad practices to avoid:

  • High Sugar Diet: When we overindulge in sugar, it’s like throwing a party for harmful bacteria in our gut, disrupting the lively community that keeps us healthy. Too much sugar negatively impacts the balance of bacteria that call our gut home.
  • High Fat/High Protein Diet: While fat and protein are crucial for your diet, an excess of these nutrients can threaten your microbiome. This disturbance is linked to persistent gut inflammation, paving the way for metabolic issues such as insulin resistance and obesity.
  • Excessive Drinking: Alcohol and its byproduct, acetaldehyde, can directly diminish microbial diversity and cause changes in mood and cognition.
  • High Stress Levels: An unhealthy amount of stress has the power to shrink the populations of beneficial bacteria that act as guardians against harmful pathogens. This creates a favorable environment for these pathogens to flourish and become active.

Nurturing Your Microbiome: Proven Tips and Strategies

You hold significant sway over the well-being of your microbiome, and the key to fostering a flourishing microbial community lies in your lifestyle choices. Here are a few good practices to incorporate into your routine:

1. Diversify Your Diet

Microbes thrive on various nutrients, and one way to support their well-being is by expanding the range of foods you consume. Particularly, incorporating a diverse array of complex carbohydrates, dietary fibers, and resistant starches from plant sources (such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes) provides a rich energy source for many microbial species.

Among the essential dietary components, fiber is a powerhouse that fortifies your gut. However, not all fibers are created equal. They come in various types, some less common than others. Fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich supplements offer a spectrum of fiber varieties, contributing to nourishing a diverse microbiome. Prioritizing whole foods for your fiber intake while minimizing reliance on supplements and fiber-fortified foods is key. This approach ensures that your microbiome receives high-quality, varied fibers, maximizing their benefit. While some fiber supplementation can be beneficial, the primary aim is to derive most of your fiber from natural food sources.

2. Exercise Regularly

The benefits of exercise extend far beyond muscle tone. The human body operates as a finely tuned machine when set in motion. A sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact our physiology, including processes critical for metabolic health.

Enter exercise – a catalyst for heightened metabolic activity. Surprisingly, as your body’s internal metabolic processes thrive, so does your microbiome. Regular exercise sparks a transformation in our microbiota, enhancing diversity, abundance, and resilience. Whether your exercise routine entails a rigorous gym session or a leisurely stroll with your canine companion, moving your body, even if just for 20 minutes daily, directly nurtures a flourishing microbiome. The ripple effect extends beyond, fostering a healthier body and a sharper mind overall.

3. Take Prebiotic Supplements

To enhance the vitality of your gut bacteria, consider incorporating prebiotic supplements into your plant-rich diet. Selecting prebiotic supplements is about more than meeting the recommended daily fiber intake (25 grams for adult females and 38 grams for adult males, with a typical prebiotic supplement dose contributing about 5 grams. Equally crucial is the type of fiber you choose.

Not all prebiotics are the same. In fact, they come in various compositions — each made up of different dietary fibers and resistant starches that cater to the specific needs of various microbes within your microbiome. Selecting a generic “prebiotic” can offer some advantages, but only if it is compatible with the specific needs of your microbiome.

When thinking about probiotics, consider what exactly you want them to do for you. It’s important to realize that many probiotics (like Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, etc.) are basically recycled bits from the food and dairy industry, not precisely tailored for human health.

If you’re aiming for a healthy microbiome, a small amount of prebiotics might be the way to go. On the flip side, if you want something more personalized, check out bioengineered probiotics designed to tackle specific beneficial tasks.

Conclusion: Embracing Microbiome Health

While the microbiome represents the forefront of health and performance, we’re merely uncovering the tip of the iceberg regarding knowledge. Currently, no one-size-fits-all solution or magic formula consistently optimizes your microbiome for overall well-being. However, with advancing knowledge, the microbiome holds the potential to emerge as a powerful tool for enhancing human health in remarkable ways.

Embarking on the path to a healthy microbiome doesn’t have to be complicated. By consuming a diverse diet, increasing fiber intake, participating in regular physical activity, and reducing stress, you can lay a robust foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

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