Home » 7 reasons you might need to find a new dentist

7 reasons you might need to find a new dentist

by Melissa Bell
10 minutes read

Your dentist is an important medical professional to have on your team, so it’s a bit of a mystery why many of us end up at the clinic that was easiest for us to find.  Often, said dentist has an office location nearby, or they were on the list provided to us by an insurance company, or maybe they’re the dentist your parents used to go to.

While these are all valid reasons (and potentially good ones too), you really should ensure that your dentist is taking care of you properly.  That’s why it’s important to ask yourself if the service you’re getting stacks up to your expectations in a positive manner.  If not, then it could be time to find a new dentist.

Keep reading for some of the main reasons you might need to consider leaving your current dentist and finding another clinic to better serve you.

The results aren’t what you expect

As the old saying goes, there are many ways to skin a cat, meaning that at the end of the day, it’s the results that matter.  If you feel you’re being well taken care of and your oral health is in good standing then maybe your current dentist is fine, regardless of how they score with some of the other reasons coming on our list.

If however, you don’t feel like the oral care is all that great and your appearance or overall oral health is suffering, then take a look elsewhere – at least book some consultation appointments and see if you gel better with another dental office.  As an example, if you suffer with TMJ and your general dentist can’t seem to alleviate your issues, then maybe finding a neuromuscular dentist that specializes in your condition could be a good idea.

The services you want aren’t available

This is more common than you’d think, because after all, the number of dental services out there is quite extensive.  Sadly, some dentists have a limited view of what modern dentistry encompasses, and often don’t provide what their patients are looking for.  Professional cleaning, filling a cavity or even installing a crown is all good and well, but if your dentist doesn’t provide whitening, veneers, orthodontics etc., then it’s time to find someone else.  Click here for a list of cosmetic dental services your dental clinic should be able to provide. If your current clinic doesn’t stack up – switch dentists.

Your dentist lacks certain skills or doesn’t seem to care anymore

Dentists are required by the RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) to carry a full set of qualifications – otherwise they wouldn’t be able to practice dentistry in the first place.  That said, some dentists are just more talented than others, or more dedicated to their patients.

The differences show up in the little things, like how long does a cleaning or filling appointment take, can they get x-rays taken correctly the first time, how good do your teeth look or feel, and what kind of advice are they providing.

There’s nothing wrong with your dentist taking their time if they’re being meticulous, but you don’t want your professional to be lacking skills or generally uninterested in your continued oral health.

The clinic technology is outdated

Modern dentistry relies heavily on technology to aid their treatment of patients, but the technology is constantly being improved.  That’s why top dental clinics will update their machines as new developments arise, so they can offer the highest level of modern dental care possible.

Of course, you probably aren’t a dentist, so it might be hard to know if the equipment in your dentists office is up-to-date, but if you do happen to notice that things are looking old (or you’ve seen the same machines year after year), you should think about switching clinics.

You don’t get along with your dentist

It tends to happen all the time, where patients and dentists just don’t see eye to eye.  Maybe it’s a difference of opinion in treatments, or the end goals of some cosmetic work, or maybe you don’t like their attitude.

Remember, you should have a decent relationship with your dentist, and feel comfortable when you go to visit.  You should also be able to ask questions and consult with your dentist if you‘re unsure of something.  If talking to your dentist is uncomfortable, then it’s time to move onto a new clinic.


The service is poor overall

Perhaps the treatment quality you’re receiving is fine but it’s the personal touch that isn’t sitting right.  You arrive on time for your appointment but are made to wait, then your treatment feels rushed, you can’t ask the questions you want, or worse, your dentist often cancels appointments on you.  This type of thing is a bigger problem than you might think because it will make you dread visiting and take it from us, there are better dentist who really care about their patients out there.

The dental clinic is uncomfortable

The staff is fine, the dentist is doing a good job, yet visiting for appointments feels like a real hassle.  It could be the clinic location is difficult to get to, the parking situation sucks, the waiting room is dirty, boring, or the chairs hurt your back.  Whatever the reason, if you feel uncomfortable during your visit, the you should look for a new dentist.

If for whatever reason you think you might want a new dentist, you’re totally in your right to find a new clinic.  Make sure you take your time though by creating a list of wants and needs, then checking them off one by one with each dentist you visit.  Good luck on your search!

Your dentist is an important medical professional to have on your team, so it’s a bit of a mystery why many of us end up at the clinic that was easiest for us to find.  Often, said dentist has an office location nearby, or they were on the list provided to us by an insurance company, or maybe they’re the dentist your parents used to go to.

While these are all valid reasons (and potentially good ones too), you really should ensure that your dentist is taking care of you properly.  That’s why it’s important to ask yourself if the service you’re getting stacks up to your expectations in a positive manner.  If not, then it could be time to find a new dentist.

Keep reading for some of the main reasons you might need to consider leaving your current dentist and finding another clinic to better serve you.

The results aren’t what you expect

As the old saying goes, there are many ways to skin a cat, meaning that at the end of the day, it’s the results that matter.  If you feel you’re being well taken care of and your oral health is in good standing then maybe your current dentist is fine, regardless of how they score with some of the other reasons coming on our list.

If however, you don’t feel like the oral care is all that great and your appearance or overall oral health is suffering, then take a look elsewhere – at least book some consultation appointments and see if you gel better with another dental office.  As an example, if you suffer with TMJ and your general dentist can’t seem to alleviate your issues, then maybe finding a neuromuscular dentist that specializes in your condition could be a good idea.

The services you want aren’t available

This is more common than you’d think, because after all, the number of dental services out there is quite extensive.  Sadly, some dentists have a limited view of what modern dentistry encompasses, and often don’t provide what their patients are looking for.  Professional cleaning, filling a cavity or even installing a crown is all good and well, but if your dentist doesn’t provide whitening, veneers, orthodontics etc., then it’s time to find someone else.  Click here for a list of cosmetic dental services your dental clinic should be able to provide. If your current clinic doesn’t stack up – switch dentists.

Your dentist lacks certain skills or doesn’t seem to care anymore

Dentists are required by the RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) to carry a full set of qualifications – otherwise they wouldn’t be able to practice dentistry in the first place.  That said, some dentists are just more talented than others, or more dedicated to their patients.

The differences show up in the little things, like how long does a cleaning or filling appointment take, can they get x-rays taken correctly the first time, how good do your teeth look or feel, and what kind of advice are they providing.

There’s nothing wrong with your dentist taking their time if they’re being meticulous, but you don’t want your professional to be lacking skills or generally uninterested in your continued oral health.

The clinic technology is outdated

Modern dentistry relies heavily on technology to aid their treatment of patients, but the technology is constantly being improved.  That’s why top dental clinics will update their machines as new developments arise, so they can offer the highest level of modern dental care possible.

Of course, you probably aren’t a dentist, so it might be hard to know if the equipment in your dentists office is up-to-date, but if you do happen to notice that things are looking old (or you’ve seen the same machines year after year), you should think about switching clinics.

You don’t get along with your dentist

It tends to happen all the time, where patients and dentists just don’t see eye to eye.  Maybe it’s a difference of opinion in treatments, or the end goals of some cosmetic work, or maybe you don’t like their attitude.

Remember, you should have a decent relationship with your dentist, and feel comfortable when you go to visit.  You should also be able to ask questions and consult with your dentist if you‘re unsure of something.  If talking to your dentist is uncomfortable, then it’s time to move onto a new clinic.


The service is poor overall

Perhaps the treatment quality you’re receiving is fine but it’s the personal touch that isn’t sitting right.  You arrive on time for your appointment but are made to wait, then your treatment feels rushed, you can’t ask the questions you want, or worse, your dentist often cancels appointments on you.  This type of thing is a bigger problem than you might think because it will make you dread visiting and take it from us, there are better dentist who really care about their patients out there.

The dental clinic is uncomfortable

The staff is fine, the dentist is doing a good job, yet visiting for appointments feels like a real hassle.  It could be the clinic location is difficult to get to, the parking situation sucks, the waiting room is dirty, boring, or the chairs hurt your back.  Whatever the reason, if you feel uncomfortable during your visit, the you should look for a new dentist.

If for whatever reason you think you might want a new dentist, you’re totally in your right to find a new clinic.  Make sure you take your time though by creating a list of wants and needs, then checking them off one by one with each dentist you visit.  Good luck on your search!

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