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4 Things You Should Know to Stay Safe in the New Year

by Melissa Bell
3 minutes read

With health issues frequently dominating headlines, it’s likely that safeguarding your wellbeing is at the top of your annual resolution list. Here are four things you should know that can help you stay safe and healthy in the new year.

#1 Develop Healthier Eating Habits


The vitamins and minerals contained in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are essential for good health. Filling your plate with more of these nutrient-rich choices while cutting down on processed foods can give your immune system a tremendous boost that helps you stave off illness. Keep your cupboards and fridge stocked with nutritious foods and your medicine cabinet supplied with natural flu medicine so you’re taking a wholesome approach to any health challenges that may arise.

#2 Taking Supplements

Because you can’t always get all of the nutrients you need through diet alone, bringing supplements into your nutritional routine is a great way to tap into nature’s ability to boost your immunity. Most experts acknowledge that even health-conscious eaters may need to have certain nutritional gaps filled.

Supplementing your diet can be particularly important when you’re at greater risk for infection. Nutritional aids like cold prevention vitamins, probiotics, and herbal extracts have all shown promise when it comes to reducing inflammation and preparing your body to fight off viral attackers.

#3 Getting More Exercise

Exercising is widely known to provide you with myriad health benefits, including keeping you safer from catching viral illnesses. Research shows that the muscle, tissue, and blood cell activities that are ramped up as a result of exercising typically elicit a more active and resilient immune response when viruses attempt to take hold.

In general, consistent activity is more beneficial than intense, yet infrequent, exercise. Even something as simple as 30 minutes of walking each day can help keep you protected from contracting respiratory viruses.

#4 Improving Your Sleep Habits

The health of your body’s T cells is an important component of your overall ability to respond to infectious invaders. It’s believed that getting enough rest has a positive impact on keeping those cells functioning properly, making you safer from catching viruses.

Experts recommend sleeping for at least seven hours every night, so your T cell health and other immune-boosting functions are optimized. As a bonus, if you are already practicing effective sleep habits and you still end up catching a bug, being accustomed to getting a good night’s rest will help your homeopathic cold and flu medicine do its job in making you feel better.

Taking these four things to heart can prepare you to safely address health concerns as you move into the new year. By eating well, supplementing your diet, exercising, and getting more sleep, you’ll be doing a lot to stay as healthy as possible. For good measure, bolster your efforts by stocking your medicine cabinet with natural products that can boost your immunity and minimize the impact of any colds or flus that manage to take hold.

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