You might wonder how come you’re now a teen or an adult, but you’re still growing some teeth. Perhaps you don’t remember teething as a baby, but the arrival of the wisdom teeth can be quite nostalgic.
The third molar, popularly known as the wisdom tooth, is one of the three molars per quadrant found in the permanent human dentition. Wisdom teeth are the most posterior teeth, and they are the last ones to erupt in the dental arch.
They come through the gums between ages of 17 and 25. Most adults have all the four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant, but in some cases, some or all third molars never develop. Also, it is possible for a person to have extras.
Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain
The painful sensation you feel when your wisdom tooth is making an appearance can occur for some reasons. They may have come in crooked (incorrect angle or sideways), have led an infection around the neighboring teeth or simply because there’s no enough room to grow further.
At any rate, painful wisdom teeth can significantly affect your oral health, and you should deal with this problem as soon as possible.
Sometimes, this pain comes without warning, suddenly tickles your mouth overnight. On the other hand, wisdom tooth pain also comes on slowly and gradually and can be brushed aside.
Regardless of these, it is of utmost importance to make an appointment with your dentist. He or she will take necessary tests like X-rays, and determine whether or not the pain is indeed wisdom tooth pain.
Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Pain
There are several side-effects that you would consider it necessary for removing these teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause the greatest distress and ultimately hard to your health. There are several most common symptoms patients complain when suffering from wisdom tooth pain:
Jaw Pain
Impacted or infected wisdom teeth can significantly affect the nerve ending, a nerve that runs through the jawbone, sitting beneath the crown of your tooth. Jaw pain, sensitivity, and stiffness can be the result of this.
Foul Smells
It is likely that your wisdom tooth has become infected if you have noticed a foul smell coming from the back of your mouth and if your jaw has been causing discomfort.
Sore Throats and Sinus Issues
Individuals enduring impacted or infected wisdom tooth usually fuss about recurring sore throat unrelated to other illness. Moreover, impacted wisdom tooth can trigger sinus issues that cause pressure headaches or runny noses.
Swollen Jaw, Cheeks, or Lymph Nodes
You can expect that the agitated or infected wisdom teeth begin to disrupt the surrounding jaw, cheek, or lymph nodes as well. Appearances of swollen area in the rear part of the face can be because of this complication.
Red, Swollen Gums
Another sign that your wisdom teeth have become impacted or infected is red and swollen gums in the back of your mouth. Check for the disparities in color and level of swelling from the front to the rear of your mouth.
Unpleasant Taste in your Mouth
Often partnered with the smell of decay, you’re most likely to notice an unpleasant taste in the morning rather than later in the day.
Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain
Here are some home remedies for wisdom tooth pain until your appointment comes to a date.
Ice Chips
Apply to the painful wisdom teeth to help numb the pain and reduce swelling.
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
They can help temporarily get rid of the throbbing sensation.
Salt Water
Using a mixture of a warm cup of water with a teaspoon of salt, gargle for about 30 to 60 seconds to clean your mouth and help dislodge food particles and bacteria that could be causing a painful infection.
Cloves and Clove Oil
Take a whole clove without crushing or cutting it and place it in your mouth, directly on the spot causing the most irritation. Keep the clove in your mouth until you feel a numbing sensation. Also, you can use clove oil: just dab some on a cotton ball then brush it gently over your sore gums.
Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief
Wisdom tooth extraction isn’t always the choice for some due to a potential risk for infections, nerve damage, bleeding disorders, and some other difficulties. Your dental doctor may prescribe a special mouthwash that will rinse clean your mouth every after a meal and eliminate bacteria that could cause complications.
Keep in mind that these steps will only lessen the suffering for the mean time. The only permanent solution will likely be a complete extraction of the wisdom teeth. This procedure should be adequately discussed with your oral surgeon to enlighten you with the potential risks and the benefits involved.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare
Even after the complication-free extraction, this can still cause some degree of discomfort. Although it is usually minor and can be taken care of at home, your dentist will likely recommend you some medication.
Cold compresses and ice packs can help ease the pain and reduce the swelling. Also, over-the-counter relievers or dietary changes (avoiding solid foods) will aid in allowing the wounds to heal.
For preventive care, you may take an antibiotic. Also, you will also be likely being advised to use salt water to swish off food debris and other irritants that can cause infection to the incision.
Dental Cost
Dentists charge depending on the cases, and the treatment yielded. It may also vary from different places. But when it comes to the dental billing in Houston, it is patient-friendly, and you will most likely spend just a few hundred dollars out of your pocket.
Just like what toddlers are going through, we are also experiencing this hardship even if we are already adults. Some may get past this stage without any hardships while some may get to taste the doom of having wisdom teeth pain. Dealing with this disturbance can affect your oral health and even your lifestyle in a great fraction. Thus, it would be of big help if you have a handful of knowledge on dwelling such issue.
Author Bio: Angela has been a proud advocate of good health and well-being since 2010. That is why she loves to respond whenever someone asks her to volunteer in some medical missions. Lately, she has been writing articles related to health to raise awareness.