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Sea Buckthorn Oil Comparisons

by Melissa Bell
5 minutes read

The sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant with several uses and not insignificant health benefits. It is native to Asia, but is also found in some parts of North Europe, as well. Virtually all the parts of this plant are useful, including its fruits – which are orange-yellow in color, its leaves, seeds and flowers.

The sea buckthorn plant contains vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, proteins and anti-oxidants, all of which contribute to its many health benefits. Different parts of the sea buckthorn plant are used in different ways: as raw food, as a cosmetic appliance, as a tea or a healthy drink, and even for jams.

Sea Buckthorn Oil

Most derivatives from the plant come either in form of oil essence (for making food and cosmetic products) or as supplements. As its oil is one of the major ways this plant is used, today’s article will take a closer look at the types, properties and uses of sea buckthorn plant’s oils.

The sea buckthorn plant has a berry-like fruit, which is the source of the oil. The berries consist of pulp and seed, each of which produces a different type of oil. The two types of oils may come from the same plant (or even from the fruits), but they are different in chemical and nutritional composition.

One immediately visible difference is the color. While oil from the pulp (berry) is red-orange, that from the seeds is bright yellow. Also, they both taste and smell different.

What are the Differences Between Berry and Seed Oils?

Differences Between Berry and Seed Oils

Both the berry and seed oil have unique benefits when used. Knowing what these differences are and how they benefit you will help you make an informed decision to maximize the nutritional and health benefits of sea buckthorn.

The berry oil is excellent for your skin, digestive and urinary tract, while the one from the seed enhances the immune system, supports the cardiovascular system, the brain and liver.

Benefits of the Berry Oil

It is rich in Omega-7 fatty acids which helps to combat dryness in the body. This makes it also support the digestive system, the body cells, and the mucous membrane. It also contains carotene that aids eyesight and may be able to prevent certain strains of cancer.

It is mostly used topically and can help to speed up the healing of burns and also remove acne and scars by nurturing the cells underneath the skin. It can also be used to remove eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.

When taken orally, it supports gastrointestinal relief, aids digestion and also soothes ulcers.

In summary:

  • It is red-orange in color and has a botanical taste;
  • It contains Omega-7;
  • It is ideal for use in cosmetics for skin and beauty;
  • It aids digestion and gastrointestinal relief;
  • It is used to heal various skin ailments.

Benefits of the Seed Oil

This contains 34% linoleic acid often referred to as Omega-6 and 32% of alpha-linoleic acid which is Omega-3 in a ratio of about 1:1 which is a nutritional anomaly. These acids are what help maintain the cardiovascular system in the body. They also help to reduce inflammation, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure while also enhancing the immune system and supporting the brain and the liver.

Omega-3 helps the body repair cells and it enables the skin to be moisturized. The seed oil contains a load of carotenoids, phospholipids, vitamin E and other antioxidants that can help fight free radicals that may otherwise cause cancer in the body.

In summary:

  • It is bright yellow in color and has a nutty taste;
  • It contains Omega-6 and Omega-3;
  • Contains vitamin E, carotenoids and phospholipids;
  • It maintains the cardiovascular system and also supports the immune system;
  • It supports the brain and liver and also reduces high blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation.

Which of these Oils is the Best?

This is totally up to you to choose as it is dependent on your needs. Each of them have unique properties and whatever you intend to use your choice for should determine which one you will select. To help you out, having a clear picture of what you want to achieve and what your body needs will make it easier for you.

Generally, while oil from the berry has more external and skin benefits, that from the seed has more internal benefits. So if you are trying to treat dryness, remove a scar or any skin issue, the berry oil, due to its richness in Omega-7, will help to moisturize the skin. The seed oil which contains omega-3 will help you to maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels and your immune system will also benefit.

Experts often recommend that synergistic use, mixing or combining both, is best. This is a way to get the maximum results and benefits from them especially when used internally. To further help you with making the right choice, get as much information on sea buckthorn as you can.

Take Away

Whether you are using sea buckthorn for its health benefits as food or as a cosmetic aid, always remember to purchase your products from verified and reputable sellers with reviews that confirm the quality of the ingredients. Research these sellers and check their product labels to be sure they contain what you want.

The oil may be sold in bottles with tinctures or as capsules and can either be applied topically, ingested orally (swallowed) or added to food and cosmetics.

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