Home » Migraine Headache: 4 Tips to End the Pain

Migraine Headache: 4 Tips to End the Pain

by Melissa Bell
4 minutes read

Does your head hurt severely that you find it hard to think or even see properly? Or do you feel a throbbing pulsating headache on one side of your head? If so, you may have migraine headaches.

Migraine headaches are common, and they result from several factors. But the good news is that migraine headaches aren’t deadly, and they can be treated without a trip to the doctor.

Are you down with a migraine headache? Try these tips to quell the throbbing headache and get well fast.


Causes of Migraine Headache

Before we look at curing migraine headaches, it makes sense to consider the causes first. What are the causes of migraine headaches? Here are a few:

  • Emotional stress
  • Missing a meal
  • Sensitivity to certain chemicals and preservatives in foods
  • Caffeine
  • Regular use of pain-relieving medications
  • Light
  • Hormonal changes in women

Next, let’s take a quick look at the common symptoms of migraine headaches.

Common symptoms of migraine headache

Here are some common migraine headache signs to look out for:

  • Pains that increase when you engage in physical activity
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Severe throbbing or mild aching pain on one part of your head or both parts
  • Visual problems like blind spots or obscured vision
  • Great discomfort, especially when in a room with light, noise, or strong odor
  • Stopped-up nose
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Lightheadedness
  • Feeling cold or sweaty

If you have a migraine headache, there are several available solutions to consider. The following solutions don’t require you to visit the hospital. But, if the migraine headache worsens.

1. Try a Cold Pack

Cold packs are effective at reducing swelling, mumbling pain and migraine. In addition to cold packs, you can place ice cubes in a towel or a bag of vegetables on your forehead to reduce the throbbing. If you don’t like these options, you can consider having a cold shower. Ensure you keep the compress on your forehead for 15 minutes; afterward, take a break for 15 minutes.

2. Use a heating pad or hot compress.

Are you experiencing a tension headache? Place a heating pad on areas like your neck or the back of your head to reduce the effects. If you are experiencing a sinus headache, on the other hand, holding a warm water cloth on the throbbing area will do. Alternatively, you can consider a warm shower. Warm showers can stop pains from being transmitted to the brain and raise blood flow, which can help calm muscles.

3. Consider Botox Injections

If you are experiencing chronic migraine, you may want to consider a potent solution. A good option is Botox injection. Botox works for migraine headaches. It blocks chemicals carrying pain signals from your brain, thus causing relief.

Aside from problems related to chronic migraine, you can consider botox for wrinkle-related issues. Don’t know how to get botox treatment? Visit Google and search for botox near me to get in touch with a professional.

4. Practice relaxation

If you are experiencing stress-induced migraine headaches, relaxing might do the trick. And how do you relax? You can relax by engaging in relaxation exercises like stretches, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. You can also talk to your doctor regarding physical therapy if you experience muscle spasms in your neck.

5. Hydrate

Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning hydration. Ensure you take enough liquids as dehydration can result in a headache or worsen an existing one. A glass or two glasses of water should be enough in most cases.


Though migraine headache is not life-threatening, failing to treat it can result in severe pain and discomfort. Also, while you adopt necessary measures to treat migraine, ensure you drop habits that cause this condition and prioritize rest to reduce recurrence.

Alternatives For Migraine Relief

Presented by – Orthobiologics Associates

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